The No-Excuse 100-Word Writing Challenge

Join me for the No-Excuse 100-Word Writing Challenge. The objective is to move beyond creative block and procrastination to craft a micro story in a few minutes. In doing so, you can reprogram the limiting belief that you are creatively blocked, lack enough time to write, and you’re a hack with no talent.

Why 100 words? The average sentence is 15-20 words, so 100 words seemed a reasonable goal.

Why 15 minutes? Everybody can find a few minutes per day to do something they really want to do, and the time limit hinders overthinking and ensures the task will be completed.

Why quantity over quality? This cultivates a micro-habit for writing on a regular basis without the constraint of perfection. The goal is to develop the habit—not achieve perfection.

Here are the rules:

  1. Your story can be fiction or nonfiction.
  2. Your story must be exactly 100 words.
  3. Your story must contain a beginning, middle, and end.
  4. If you cannot think of a subject for your story, pick something around you and write about it.
  5. You must complete your story in 15 minutes or less.
  6. The challenge concerns quantity—not quality.
  7. Post your story in the comments section of this post.
  8. Most important of all, be yourself.
  9. Feel free to share the No-Excuse 100-word Writing Challenge with others.

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