How to Use Astrology for Quick Character Development

When people think of astrology, they either picture Larry the Lounge Lizard hitting on a pretty young thing by asking her what her sign is or they imagine reading their daily horoscope in the newspaper.

No matter which image comes to mind, most people are aware of their Zodiac sign, which is determined by when one is born. For example, if you were born on August 7, your Zodiac sign is Leo.

In a nutshell, each Zodiac sign has certain personality traits associated with it, including both strengths and weaknesses. Each Zodiac sign also possesses a symbol corresponding to a constellation. For example, Leo’s symbol is a Lion. Many people find the symbol helpful to remember the details for each Zodiac sign.

Regardless of whether you believe astrology is an accurate tool or entertainment, as writers, we can use Zodiac signs to create richly detailed characters on the fly in the same way a writing prompt gives us just enough information to kickstart our brain to begin an essay or story.

Let’s say you want to write a story about a young woman who wants to apply to be a flight attendant for an airline; however, her father is diagnosed with an illness that requires the young woman to take care of her.

As a writer, I could randomly choose a Zodiac sign, such as Virgo, and immediately recognize that the signs strengths of practicality, helpfulness, and perfectionism are a good fit for the situation. On the other hand, I have potential for conflict with some of Virgo’s weaknesses, such as fussiness and criticism. It’s not a lot of information; however, it’s enough to immediately get an idea of fully formed personality. With a few details, I know this person and can imagine how she would act in certain situations. Moreover, I can recognize potential areas of conflict, which will help drive my story in an interesting way.

As you become more familiar with the Zodiac signs, you may want to choose a Zodiac sign that might provide a complementary angle for your story. For example, using the story prompt above, I might choose to make the young woman a Sagittarius because I know this sign is restless and loves to travel. Being torn between pursuing a career that allows her to follow her bliss and staying home to care for her mother presents many opportunities for me as a writer. With forgetfulness as a weakness, I see how this can create a problem if her mother’s medication has to be administered at a certain time each day.

Some writers consider the Zodiac sign for all of their major characters whenever they start a new writing project. You’ll find even more information about the compatibility of each Zodiac sign with another, career considerations, and even details about what each sign is like in bed. You can go as deep as you like; however, don’t let your research get in the way of writing your story. Instead, use astrology as a springboard to get started. If you feel you need more research, you can do so later.

In closing, I’d like to remind you that you’re not bound to the Zodiac sign you’ve chosen to begin to develop your character. The purpose of choosing a Zodiac sign is to quickly develop an idea of your character’s personality and how she thinks, acts, etc. As your story and character develop, you may find that you want to stray from the personality traits normally associated with the Zodiac sign you’ve chosen. That’s okay. No person is completely like their Zodiac sign in real life, so why should your character be. Use the Zodiac as a helpful tool, but don’t let it hold you back in your writing.

Think of a character you’d like to flesh out in a writing project. Choose a Zodiac sign and use it as a guide to help deepen your character in regards to his actions, thoughts, and what he says.

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